Is There a Way to Lower Down the Fps of an Airsoft Gun

Is There a Way to Lower Down the Fps of an Airsoft Gun

Lowering the fps on airsoft guns

Sometimes the less FPS is the more than, especially when yous need to lower it to fit the field limits. Having a powerful velocity airsoft gun can exist a nail, but certainly it can put y'all in a weird situation when you realize that your favorite gun does not fit the field regulations and you can no longer use it.

Therefore you need to find a style to lower that FPS and it can get tricky if the number of FPS yous want to become rid of is not a modest amount they would tolerate anyways. Usually the airsoft fields tolerate up to x FPS over the limit, for anything else you lot volition need to utilise some changes to your gun that I will be sharing with you in this short guide.

In brusque, what seems to be the best manner to bargain with this?

To lower the fps on an airsoft gun you lot should prioritize irresolute or shortening the spring considering it is where the velocity is generated the most. Other means include wearing off your gun by continuous employ or by simply getting a secondary gun.

Now, y'all might take heard that in that location are more means to lower the FPS on your gun, yet nigh of other ways that people mention are not going to have a serious bear on or might even destroy your precious replica.

Permit's get into a more detailed caption why only severe ways piece of work, why some are considered as adulterous and should non be counted on and why some won't have whatever impact and might hurt the gun furthermore.

Get a secondary airsoft gun

Earlier we get to the methods you lot can apply to reduce the FPS, why would not you lot consider simply getting a secondary gun that you tin can use for CQB or whatever the purposes are and have the other one for skirmishes in the fields that allow higher FPS.

This is probably the simplest solution and with fourth dimension you volition anyways feel lured to add more guns into your collection as the fourth dimension passes by.

So, if you brand this in a smart fashion and upgrade your collection with functionality intent, yous tin have an SMG, shotgun , pistol and AEG, maybe sniper and cover all possibilities.

You never know where yous going to terminate upward when y'all join the airsoft community and to but stick with one selection that is suitable for one field does not e'er make sense.

Spring is the way to lower the FPS

Till this solar day, I have only found this manner to truly work for any major differences.

The bound is where the velocity is generated and although other parts like the Hop-upwardly unit and barrel play role in how well the BB will keep the starting velocity earlier information technology reaches out of the gun, it should not be a major way to affect the FPS.

There are people who recommend shortening the spring by simply cut it, just is it actually a smart matter to practise? I mean, if you practise this you can not actually go back and increment the FPS and sometimes you might want that FPS back.

This depends on what your needs are, whether you want to stick to that local field with certain FPS limit and completely adapt your gun to fit its criteria or mayhap, you lot like to change fields, travel a chip and use your airsoft gun in many other scenarios when the college FPS may be beneficial.

FPS may not play a major role for range and accuracy and you do non need to exceed 400 FPS to have a corking gun. Such gun will be fine in near fields, although sometimes additional FPS may assist y'all with the range in some skirmishes where the field is built in such way that it appreciates extra range.

Therefore, I believe that the best solution is to buy a new jump that will offer lower velocity, open the gun and replace the onetime spring with the new ane whenever you are about to play in a field with such FPS regulation.

Springs are non expensive and this is probably smarter than purchasing a whole brand new gun. You tin find springs at price of $10 and something like M100 will probably do the chore if you need to drib that FPS significantly.

However, this will require some basic knowledge with the replica's inside parts, so comport in mind that if you do not feel confident in irresolute information technology yourself, lend information technology to someone who knows how to or learn to do information technology yourself, you might demand that kind of self-mechanic skill later in life anyways.

Continuous use of a gun lowers the FPS

This is self explanatory to some degree, just people do not ever pay attention to information technology. Whenever you operate a make new gun with brand new inner parts, it will perform at its total potential.

With time some parts become worn out including the spring, piston caput, cylinder and and so on, equally a reaction the FPS should drib downwardly a bit.

This is not actually a useful method because it takes long time and thousands of BBs shot in society to see any significant departure and even then it is not impactful if yous need serious modify.

However, knowing this can be useful considering when you go that new gun, you can expect that its velocity will get down with time and you can make some plans in accelerate.

Use the squeegee gas

The previous part affected AEGs, even so what is the case with GBBs?

One simple way to play with the FPS and to get it downwards a fleck, is to utilise some less powerful energy source to power your gun at very first place.

Airsoft gas guns are greatly dependent on gas and this is the reason why y'all can often encounter major drops in performance on cold days and later the cartridge is almost empty.

Gas guns rely on gas source that much that the difference can be sure and huge.

Simply think virtually why gas blowback guns often accept worse velocity than gas non blowback guns. Gas powers everything in such guns and in instance that it needs to ability to sliding mechanism it is going to have less power to support the BBs.

Lower velocity batteries exercise not work

The previous thing may work for gas guns, all the same the AEG gearbox operates differently and although the electricity is also the energy source, it profoundly differs with purpose from gas.

The gearbox on AEGs does not piece of work this manner and simply replacing a bombardment with a lower voltage 1 should non lead to any differences because the gearbox does not produce the velocity, but rather dictates the burn rate of a gun.

Heavier BBs are not really a choice

For a long time I thought that using heavier Bulletin board system is the way to drib that FPS and pass the chronograph, but it is not really a case in most fields.

Certainly when you put heavier Bulletin board system the FPS got to drop by a huge number, however it can be seen as cheating because the gun still has the same ability and the weight of the BBs dull it down, but the power is still nowadays.

You lot tin can pass the chronograph with this, but only if they allow it in the field and most oftentimes they do non and volition demand that you test your gun with their BBs, which is often either 0.20 gram or 0.25 gram BBs.

I did non always pay attention to this considering there are many airsoft fields in the earth and many different rules, so some fields do not have any requirements at all and you are free to practice whatever you want as long as yous do not hurt players intentionally.

I hateful, if you respect other players and utilise your loftier velocity gun that may take an FPS of 500, but only on certain distances and do not aim for the vulnerable body parts, it should be fine, after all you got your secondary gun that is often a pistol and it rarely has greater FPS of 350.

This depends from a field to field and there are many kinds of humans, sometimes you got to put the line that affects everyone considering of a few rotten apples.

Velocity reducers exercise not work

In that location are velocity reducers on the market and perhaps you thought virtually getting one yourself in order to lower that FPS.

There are multiple issues with these little devices, so let me name a few.

Velocity reducers on airsoft guns practice non work as intended at all times and sometimes when you switch from semi to auto information technology neutralizes its effectiveness and there are also players challenge that they might jam your gun.

Whether it all is true and how likely it is really to jam your gun, I but practice not know, only I know that they can be easily taken off airsoft replicas after they laissez passer the chrono test, so often the fields do not allow them.

If everyone agrees that you can use this minor device, so it perhaps could have some purpose, but it is likely non to exist.

Other pointless options you should not try

I accept heard many stories of people trying to lower the FPS by drilling holes in their inner barrels, messing up with the hop up unit, cut the butt in half or even purposely damaging O-rings and other important parts that take an impact on gun'south compression.

All these methods may have a pocket-sized impact on your gun's FPS, especially if you mess its pinch, however is it actually worth destroying your gun and thus affecting its accuracy and lifespan?

I would stay away from whatever of these methods unless you simply exercise not care and want to experiment.


The two all-time ways to get the task done are getting a new secondary gun or changing the bound, everything else pretty much is not worth your energy and time.

For gas guns there is besides a gas substitute method worth a try, but most people use AEGs anyways.

After you have calculated how much FPS you demand to drop, research the soft springs in the market and compare them to your current one, you volition exist able to lose those fifty FPS this way which is ofttimes the number that most players accept an issue with.

If y'all have something powerful that reaches close or over 500 FPS, for instance a sniper, I think it is better to get a new gun without even messing with internals.

Too expect that your gun volition lose some FPS with time as yous article of clothing it out, but do not count on big divergence, it may lose but ten-twenty FPS.

Is There a Way to Lower Down the Fps of an Airsoft Gun

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